
One of the council’s responsibilities is its role as a ‘statutory consultee’ in the planning process. St Erme Parish Council takes great care to consider each planning application on its own merits and looks at the nature of the proposal and its potential effects on the surrounding area.

Members consider any planning applications received at their full council meetings held each month. Occasionally extraordinary meetings may be held due to consultation deadlines. The agenda of these meetings will be available 3 clear days before the meeting and displayed in the councils 5 notice boards and on the council’s website.

You can view applications by clicking on the relevant links below:


PA25/00170 (Posted 24/01/25)

Pencoose Farmhouse, St Erme, Truro

Proposed linked annex for independent family care & associated works.

PA24/09170 (Posted 09/12/24)

Pengelly Barns, St Erme, Truro

Proposed first floor office extension

PA24/08847 (Posted 28/11/24)

2 Pencoose Barns, St Erme, Truro

Conversion of garage/hobbies room to artist studio/home office including formation of front dormer window and general alterations.

PA24/07503 (Posted 14/10/24)

Glendroc, Trispen, Truro

Extension and alteration to existing dwelling

PA24/07245 (Posted 24/09/24)

Glen View, St Erme, Truro

Works to tree covered by a Tree Preservation Order (TPO) - Crown lift

PA24/07075 (Posted 24/09/24)

2 Pencoose Barns, St Erme, Truro

Conversion of existing garage, forming detached annexe family use, including construction of dormer window and veranda.

PA24/05595 (Posted 24/09/24)

Pencoose Farmhouse, St Erme, Truro

Proposed detached annex for family and side extension to existing dwelling and associated works

PA24/06550 (Posted 13/09/24)

Land at St Erme, Truro TR4 9BW

Proposed surface water drainage detention basin in conjunction with application PA23/0994

PA24/06334 (Posted 21/08/24)

Pell Mena, St Erme, Truro

Removal of the existing rear conservatory and detached and the construction of a two storey rear replacement extension and single-storey side extension with associated landscaping.

PA24/05643 (Posted 21/08/24)

2 Truthan View, Trispen, Truro

Single storey rear extension with first floor side extension over garage.

PA24/05649 (Posted 21/08/24)

56 Killigrew Gardens, St Erme, Truro

The installation of an air source heat pump unit at the rear of the property within 1m of the neighbouring boundary.

PA24/04237 (Posted 24/06/24)

47 Truthan View, Trispen, Truro

Installation of Conservatory to the rear of the property.

PA24/02096 (Posted 04/04/24)

The Caravan, Land adjacent to Pengelly Cottage, Trispen

Removal of existing mobile home/static caravan (benefiting from a Lawful Development/Use Certificate) and construction of a replacement residential dwelling, including provision of external garden amenity space, vehicular turning/parking area and installation of septic tank/package treatment plant.

PA24/01840 (Posted 25/03/24

Land adjacent to Castle Cottage, Trispen

Placement of three portable cabins / shepherd's huts on amenity land associated with Castle Cottage.

PA24/00891 (Posted 12/02/24)

Parklands, Toyota, Carland Cross, Mitchell

Removal of current signage and installation of new illuminated and non-illuminated Toyota brand signage.

PA24/00819 (Posted 12/02/24)

Rafters, Trispen, Truro

Construction of a single storey structure with dual pitched roof to form a home office/gym/storage and summer room with solar panels with changed roof design to extant Certificate of Lawfulness for proposed use or development with ref: PA22/01755.

PA23/09949 (Posted 05/02/24)

Land East of St Erme School

Proposed housing development to provide 36 affordable homes and associated infrastructure.

PA23/07662 (Posted 11/10/23)

32 Polisken Way, St Erme, Truro

Construction of link porch between existing house and existing outbuilding.

PA23/06811 (Posted 07/09/23)

Millbrook Cottage, St Erme, Truro

Extension of Domestic Curtilage, Demolition of Existing Barns, Outbuildings to Form Indoor Swimming Pool

PA23/04633 (Posted 02/08/23)

Land south of Eglos Road, St Erme, Truro

Residential development and associated access roads, landscaping and services

PA23/04786 (Posted 01/07/23)

Pengelly View, Pengelly Farm, St Erme

Proposed extension to existing garage / workshop, forming new workshop and games room, in lieu of structure committed under Certificate of Lawful Proposed use (PA23/11351)

PA23/04078 (Posted 28.06.23)

Millbrook Cottage, St Erme, Truro

Construction of first floor rear extension, dormer and associated works.

PA23/03729 (Posted 16.05.23)

Millbrook Cottage, St Erme, Truro

Construction of detached garage and associated works

PA23/02629 (Posted 18/04/23)

Land adj to Trewaters Bungalow, South of Carland Cross

Installation of a solar photovoltaic (PV) array/solar farm with a battery energy storage system and associated infrastructure.

PA23/02773 (Posted 17/04/23)

Land south of Penhale Cottage, Trispen, Truro

Application for a Lawful Development Certificate for an Existing use of land for stationing of static caravan and occupation for residential purposes, including use of residential curtilage/garage and outbuilding for residential purposes

PA23/02410 (Posted 12/04/23)

Land North East of The Bungalow, St Erme, Truro TR49AU

Proposals involve replacing an existing caravan to the north east of Polisken Farm with a new 3 bedroom bungalow with attached double garage and new site access/driveway and associated landscaping works.

PA23/01277 (Posted 20/02/23)

The Barn, Pengelly Farm, St Erme, Truro

Retention of summerhouse and two ponds, construction of wedding venue and function building, provision of vehicular parking area, change of use of agricultural land to wedding/function venue without compliance with Condition 3 in relation to decision notice PA19/09856 dated 04.05.2020.

PA23/00560 (Posted 07/02/23)

Tregassow Solar Farm, Tregassow, St Erme, Truro

Removal of 3 containerised substations and replacement with 3 new containerised substations, at an existing solar farm. Modifications to site tracks within the site boundary.

PA22/09189 (Posted 24/10/22)

Tregassow Solar Farm, Tregassow Cottage, St Erme, Truro

Non material amendment in relation to decision notice PA12/04244 dated 16/11/12 to replace two non containerised substations with new ones.

PA22/08834 (Posted 10/10/22)

The Hawthorns, Trispen, Truro

Construction of a one storey front extension and two storey side extension with internal alterations.

PA22/07236 (Posted 27/08/22)

Plot 5 (14 Treworgan View), Trispen, Truro

To amend the design of the dwelling on Plot 5 (14 Treworgan View)

PA22/04671 (Posted 27.05.22)

St Erme House, St Erme, Truro

Works to trees subject to a Tree Preservation Order (TPO), works include: x1 Sweet Chestnut (3) - remove basal and epicormic shoots to 5m; x3 Ash (4, 6 & 7) - fell due to location; x1 Oak (9) - crown raise to clear roof by 2-3m and remove epicormic shoots to break of crown; x1 Sycamore/Lime (10) - crown raise to 6m on north side to clear roof; and x1 Beech (12) - reduce overhang to raise crown to 4m and to clear roof by 5m pruning to natural growth points.

PA22/02636 (Posted 28.03.22)

Trevella, Trevella Lane, Trispen, Truro

Listed planning consent for demolition of conservatory, construction of orangery, internal alterations including installation of a lift.

PA22/02052 (Posted 28.03.22)

Trevella, Trevella Lane, Trispen, Truro

Demolition of conservatory, construction of orangery, internal alterations including installation of a lift.

PA21/12836 (Posted 04.03.22)

Chy-An-Gwell, Trevella Lane, Trispen

Conversion of detached double garage, to a rental dwelling.

PA21/12658 (Posted 04.01.22)

15 Treworgan View, Trispen

Proposed ancillary building comprising office and gym


Land SE of St Erme with Trispen School

Pre-application advice for proposed residential development 100% affordable.

PA21/08988 (Posted 14.09.21)

Daisy Cottage, St Erme, Truro

Non material amendment for using the two original openings replace garage doors with triple sliding doors in regards to PA20/07570 (Alterations to existing garages and letting accommodation to form a separate dwelling)

PA21/07843 (Posted 01.09.21)

Land at Fiddlers Green, Carland Cross Windfarm, St Newlyn East

Construction and operation of a 10 Megawatt Peak ('MWp') solar photovoltaic ('PV') development within the parameters of the existing Carland Cross Windfarm with variation of Conditions 2 and 3 of Decision Notice PA19/08080 dated 26/05/2020

PA21/07584 (Posted 17.08.21)

Tresithick House, St Erme, Truro

Internal alterations and construction of a new study on the site of an existing conservatory to be demolished

PA21/07027 (Posted 06.08.21)

Squirrel Cottage, St Erme, Truro

Single storey extension to existing dwelling

PA21/06005 (Posted 06.08.21)

Tresithick Barton. St Erme, Truro

Proposed erection of a detached annexe and the installation of a kitchen and bathroom in an existing building to serve the annexe

PA21/05348 (Posted 23.06.21)

Pengelly View, Pengelly Farm, St Erme, Truro

Extension to dwelling and change of use of agricultural land to domestic curtilage.

PA21/03548 (Posted 28.05.21)

St Erme Medical, St Erme, Truro

Listed building consent for installation of a Ground Source Heat Pump with borehole to rear surgery

PA21/03324 (Posted 12.05.21)

Parklands Toyota, Carland Cross, Mitchell, Newquay

New workshop extension

PA21/02504 (Posted 31.03.21)

Argray Meadow, St Erme, Truro

Proposed construction of garage to existing dwelling

PA21/01089 (Posted 26.03.21)

Kaduna House, Trispen Hill, Trispen, Truro

Proposed extension over existing garage to form relatives annexe

PA21/02209 (Posted 18.03.21)

Land at Fiddlers Green, Carland Cross Windfarm, St Newlyn East

Construction and operation of a 10 Megawatt Peak ('MWp') solar photovoltaic ('PV') development within the parameters of the existing Carland Cross Windfarm with variation of condition 2 of decision PA19/08080 dated 26/05/2020 | Land At Fiddlers Green Carland Cross Windfarm St Newlyn East

PA21/02569 (Posted 15.03.21)

Land adjacent to Trispen Hill, Trispen, Truro

Non material amendment (NMA4) for regrading of the northern Public Open Space (POS) area; change of steps leading to the POS to a short ramp; position of the tactile crossing point on Eglos Road moved to outside the pedestrian access of the POS; amendment of vehicle access gate to avoid more hedgerow/trees being removed to decision PA17/02885 dated 23.06.2017